Fossils, which can still be found in the quarries in the local area between Beilngries and Eichstätt, bear witness to the rich wildlife in the Jurassic Ocean some 200 million years ago.
The town of Beilngries has always been a privileged stopover point for travellers and merchants, who have come from far and travelled along the land trade routes or on the ancient “Danube-Maine” Canal. Some pieces of furniture recall the way people travelled in former times.
Please note that the Beilngries Double Room is an individually designed living space in the category Double Room Deluxe in our schmiede7. Please indicate your room preference in the comments section of your booking. We will strive to meet your preferences as to booking of a certain Double Room Deluxe. If the room of your choice with your favourite design is not available any more, we will suggest you a room of the same category with an alternative design that will hopefully please you as well.